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Arctic Express Canada: The Heart of the Northwest Passage


The quest for trade routes to the Far East inspired much of the age of exploration of North America, with the promise of the Northwest Passage its elusive jewel. On Arctic Express Canada, discover the great sea route at the top of the world-that obsessed ...

9 Hari
Keberangkatan berikutnya
Mulai dari
USD 7.195,00
USD 5.036,00
Harga per hari
USD 560,00

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  • Quark
Operator tur
Quark Expeditions
Arctic Express Canada: The Heart of the Northwest Passage
Kualitas Perjalanan
Perjalanan Luar Biasa
Rencana perjalanan


The quest for trade routes to the Far East inspired much of the age of exploration of North America, with the promise of the Northwest Passage its elusive jewel. On Arctic Express Canada, discover the great sea route at the top of the world-that obsessed explorers for centuries-on our game-changing new expedition ship Ultramarine, which allows you a journey no traditional vessel could offer: immersing yourself in the full Arctic experience while getting back home a week and a half later.Nature and wildlife are the guides on this voyage as you explore the region's diverse treasures. The Arctic's stark beauty offers an unforgettable backdrop, while Quark Expeditions' world-class team provides the knowledge and insight to help you connect with the region's unique history and geography. Ultramarine's two twin-engine helicopters, 20-quick-launching Zodiacs and unprecedented mix of on-ship amenities and off-ship adventure options will deliver an unrivalled Arctic experience no one else can.

Map: Arctic Express Canada: The Heart of the Northwest Passage (Quark)

Jadwal Perjalanan Singkat

Hari 1.
Arrive In Calgary, Canada
Hari 2.
Fly To Resolute And Embark
Hari 3-7.
Exploring Canada's High Arctic
Hari 8.
Disembark In Resolute, Canada And Fly To Calgary
Hari 9.
Depart Calgary

Pelabuhan (2): Calgary, Northwest Passage


  • Explore the highlights of Lancaster SoundSearch for iconic Arctic wildlife, such as polar bears and muskoxenExperience incredible flightseeing and heli-landings aboard Ultramarine's two helicoptersCruise in a Zodiac to get up close to glaciers, fjords, icebergs and moreVisit Inuit communities and learn about their traditions and customs
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    Kapal Pesiar LautIni adalah Pelayaran Laut Terorganisir, Pelayaran Mewah, atau Ekspedisi: Anda akan makan dan tidur di atas kapal. Ini adalah kapal yang lebih kecil yang dapat mengangkut beberapa ratus penumpang, bukan ribuan. Operator kapal pesiar menetapkan rencana perjalanan, tujuan, durasi dan tanggal keberangkatan serta harga per jenis/dek kabin. Wisata dapat dimasukkan atau opsional. Anda dapat bergabung, menikmati, dan bertemu orang lain.

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