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Real Southern Africa


Four countries, eight national parks, 17 days, hundreds of animals and countless birds make this one unforgettable journey through the best of Southern Africa. Track rhinos at sunset in Zimbabwe, search for the Big Five in Kruger National Park, laze in th...

17 Jours
Prochain départ
à partir de
USD 2 185,00
Prix par jour
USD 129,00
Tour Type
Tour Type

  • Vue d'ensemble
  • Dates et détails
  • Carte, destinations
  • Intrepid
Intrepid Travel
Real Southern Africa
Style de voyage
Visite en petit groupe avec plus de flexibilité
Taille de groupe
1 - 22
Tranche d'âge
18 - 29 Years
tour categorytour categorytour categorytour categorytour categorytour category


Four countries, eight national parks, 17 days, hundreds of animals and countless birds make this one unforgettable journey through the best of Southern Africa. Track rhinos at sunset in Zimbabwe, search for the Big Five in Kruger National Park, laze in the lagoons of the Okavango Delta in Botswana, learn about ongoing rhino conservation in Zimbabwe and visit the villages of the Hambukushuand and Xwe Bushmen tribes in Namibia. This overland camping trip brings you everything wild and wonderful about Southern Africa plus a crew of good pals to take it all in with. 

Map: Real Southern Africa (Intrepid)

Itinéraire court

Jour 1
Jour 2
Khama Rhino Sanctuary
Jour 3
Jour 4
Okavango Delta Pan Handle
Jour 5
Okavango Delta Pan Handle
Jour 6
Caprivi Strip
Jour 7
Mukolo Camp
Jour 8
Chobe National Park
Jour 9
Victoria Falls
Jour 10
Victoria Falls
Jour 11
Hwange National Park
Jour 12
Matobo National Park
Jour 13
Matobo National Park
Jour 14
Mapungubwe National Park
Jour 15
Kruger National Park
Jour 16
Kruger National Park
Jour 17

Pays de voyage (4): Afrique du Sud, Botswana, Namibie, Zimbabwe

Villes de voyage (11): Bulawayo, Chobe National Park, Chobe River, Hwange National Park, Johannesburg, Kalahari Desert, Kruger National Park, Matobo National Park, Maun, Okavango Delta, Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Points forts

  • There's nothing more relaxing than feeling the African sun on your face as you lie back in a mokoro, eyes closed while your expert poler propels you through the Okavango Delta
  • Victoria Falls is made for thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. Peer over the edge of this crazy cascade, then stay on for adventures on land and in the sky
  • What is the sound of a roaring lion if not a sweet soothing lullaby? You'll be camping right in the grounds of Kruger National Park, so you be the judge
  • Elephants might never forget, but you’ll get the unforgettable experience of cruising down the river in Chobe National Park, home of the world's highest concentration of African elephants
  • Forget the Grand Canyon – Blyde River Canyon's is gigantic, lush and green - pure photo-op gold
  • Pay the famous elephants and lions of Hwange National Park a visit from an open-air 4x4 vehicle

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Tour de groupeIl s'agit d'un Tour de Groupe Organisé : l'itinéraire a été prédéfini par le voyagiste. Les destinations du circuit, la durée, l'hébergement, les dates de départ et le prix sont fixes. Vous pouvez rejoindre, profiter et rencontrer d'autres personnes.

Adhésions et protection financière

IATA USTOA Abta ATOL WYSE Travel CO2Neutral Safe Travels ATTA


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