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Journey to the Geographical North Pole - Le Commandant Charcot


16 Jours
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± USD 42 280,00
Prix par jour
± USD 2 643,00
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Journey to the Geographical North Pole - Le Commandant Charcot
Style de voyage
Visite en petit groupe avec plus de flexibilité
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Itinéraire court

Jour 1
Fly From Paris To Longyearbyen. Embark Le Commanda...
Jour 2
At Sea Along Spitsbergen
Jour 3
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 4
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 5
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 6
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 7
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 8
Geographic North Pole
Jour 9
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 10
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 11
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 12
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 13
Navigating Through The Sea Ice
Jour 14
At Sea Along Spitsbergen
Jour 15
At Sea Along Spitsbergen
Jour 16
Arrive Longyearbyen. Fly To Paris.


Pays de voyage (3): France, Glace arctique, Svalbard et Jan Mayen

Villes de voyage (3): Longyearbyen, North Pole, Paris


Head for 90 degrees North! Since the 16th century, the greatest expeditions have repeatedly attempted to reach the North Pole. This mythical geographic point inspires and attracts as much as it fascinates dreamers and conquerors, seeking out the other side of the world. Following in the wake of Frederick Cook, Robert Edwin Peary or Roald Amundsen, who were among the many who sought to achieve this elusive goal, you will be part of the chosen few who will attempt to reach this near-unattainable point, some 700 km from the nearest land. Swept by the winds and the currents, the ice floe is constantly drifting and your ship's Captain will manoeuvre carefully in an attempt to reach the northernmost point of our planet. From Spitsbergen, you will set sail north to the waters at the edge of the Earth, towards landscapes that continually change according to the ice, and the light at play in the skies above. Nature reigns supreme here, sheltering exceptional wildlife; polar bears, seals and a variety of whales call these glacial waters home and you will have a chance to spot them as you journey towards the North Pole - the Holy Grail of all polar explorers.

Be among the few people in the world - to go in search of the Geographic North Pole.
Perfect your photographic skills - learn from the eye and sound advice of British photo ambassador Ian Dawson
Enjoy the rugged and varied landscapes of Spitsbergen - jagged mountain peaks, gigantic glaciers and steep-sided cliffs that reach down to the sea
Incredible wildlife - polar bears, seals, whales and a prolific array of Arctic birdlife

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