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Biblical Israel with Jordan - Faith-Based Travel - Protestant Itinerary


Reconnect spiritually on this biblical tour of Israel and Jordan, starting from modern Tel Aviv and ending in the ancient city of Amman. This journey will lead you to the holy places mentioned in the Old Testament and into the foo...

11 Jours
Prochain départ
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USD 2 939,00
Prix par jour
USD 267,00
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  • Cosmos
Cosmos Tours
Biblical Israel with Jordan - Faith-Based Travel - Protestant Itinerary
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Reconnect spiritually on this biblical tour of Israel and Jordan, starting from modern Tel Aviv and ending in the ancient city of Amman. This journey will lead you to the holy places mentioned in the Old Testament and into the footsteps of Jesus as you hear and learn the stories of his ministry, his miracles, and his life. Visit some of the most cherished biblical sites: Megiddo, Tiberias, Nazareth, the valley of the Jordan River, where you can be baptised on select departures. Spend four nights in Jerusalem and visit all the main sights, such as the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Holy Sepulchre, as well as the Jewish Quarter, the Israel Museum, and the Yad Vashem. Crossing the border to Jordan, visit more important biblical sites such as Mount Nebo, and marvel at one of the most inspiring places on earth: the spectacular sandstone city of Petra. one of the New7Wonders of the World®. Gather in prayer at iconic places and learn about ancient cultures in the company of like-minded fellow travelers; this experience will bring your faith to life on this faith-based vacation of a lifetime.

Map: Biblical Israel with Jordan - Faith-Based Travel - Protestant Itinerary (Cosmos)

Itinéraire court

Jour 1
Arrive In Tel Aviv, Israel
Jour 2
Tel Aviv–Jaffa–Caesarea–Muhraqa–Megiddo–Tiberias
Jour 3
Tiberias. Excursion To Kibbutz Ginosar, Capernaum,...
Jour 4
Jour 5
Jerusalem. Excursion To Bethlehem
Jour 6
Jour 7
Jerusalem. Optional Excursion To Qumran, Masada & ...
Jour 8
Jerusalem, Israel–Petra, Jordan
Jour 9
Jour 10
Amman. Excursion To Jerash, Ajloun & Anjara
Jour 11

Pays de voyage (2): Israël, Jordanie

Villes de voyage (10): Amman, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Jerusalem, Madaba, Mount Nebo, Nazareth, Petra, Tel Aviv, Tiberias

Offre de voyage


Provenir de


Votre destination de voyage


Tel Aviv

Arrow Going To


Tour de groupeIl s'agit d'un Tour de Groupe Organisé : l'itinéraire a été prédéfini par le voyagiste. Les destinations du circuit, la durée, l'hébergement, les dates de départ et le prix sont fixes. Vous pouvez rejoindre, profiter et rencontrer d'autres personnes.

ChristianismeIl s'agit d'une visite chrétienne qui visitera des lieux importants pour la religion chrétienne. La plupart des participants seront chrétiens et croiront en Dieu et en Jésus-Christ. Vous devez également être chrétien pour participer à cette tournée.

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