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Israel: A Journey of Faith


Walk in the hallowed footsteps of Jesus Christ and see some of the most ancient cities in the world on this spirited sojourn to Israel. Venture on an inspirational journey that will heighten your faith and bring you closer to God. From Bethlehem and Nazar...

9 Jours
Prochain départ
à partir de
USD 2 599,00
Prix par jour
USD 289,00
Tour Type
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  • Collette
Israel: A Journey of Faith
Spécifique à la religion
tour categorytour categorytour categorytour religion


Walk in the hallowed footsteps of Jesus Christ and see some of the most ancient cities in the world on this spirited sojourn to Israel. Venture on an inspirational journey that will heighten your faith and bring you closer to God. From Bethlehem and Nazareth to Cana, the site of the First Miracle, find new understanding in the life of Jesus. Visit the River Jordan at Yardenit Baptismal site. Experience the Valley of Armageddon and cross the Sea of Galilee. Along the Way of Sorrows, walk the path of the Stations of the Cross. An extensive Jerusalem tour features the Mount of Olives, the Garden Tomb, and the Western Wall. Enjoy time to explore this reverent terrain on your own. Reflect on the monumental grounds and experience an introspective journey that will strengthen your faith.

Map: Israel: A Journey of Faith (Collette)

Itinéraire court

Jour 1
Overnight Flight
Jour 2
Tel Aviv, Israel - Tour Begins
Jour 3
Tel Aviv - Caesarea - Nazareth - Cana - Sea Of Gal...
Jour 4
Jour 5
Tiberias - Tel Megiddo - Bethlehem - Jerusalem
Jour 6
Jour 7
Jour 8
Jour 9
Jerusalem - Tour Ends

Villes de voyage (6): Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Tel Aviv, Tiberias

Points forts


  • Caesarea
  • Nazareth
  • Cana
  • Tiberias
  • Sea of Galilee


  • Mount of Beatitudes


  • Capernaum
  • Golan Heights
  • Caesarea Philippi
  • Tel Megiddo
  • Bethlehem
  • Jerusalem


  • The Western Wall
  • Via Dolorosa
  • Mount of Olives


  • Mount Zion


  • Garden Tomb

Inclus dans le prix


  • Sail on the Sea of Galilee, aboard a boat similar to what Jesus would have sailed.
  • Visit Capernaum, the center of Jesus' ministry in Galilee.
  • Stop at Shepherds' Field, where the angels appeared Christmas night.

En option, non inclus

Tel Aviv: Yardenit Baptism Renewal

  • The Jordan River runs through the land and history of the Bible, giving its waters a spiritual significance that sets it aside from other rivers. It is significant for Christians because John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the waters of the Jordan. During your visit to Yardenit Baptismal Site, you have the special opportunity to renew your baptismal vows during a solemn ceremony lead by your Spiritual Leader. Duration approximately 1 hour(s). Transportation is included.

    Option must be booked a minimum of 60 days prior to departure. If travelling in a group without a Pastor/Spiritual Leader, we cannot guarantee the ceremony, in which case you will be refunded for this option.
    Each participant receives a baptismal kit including a robe, towel and access to locker rooms and shared showers.

Tel Aviv: Jerusalem by Night with Tower of David

  • Discover the treasures of Jerusalem by night, a beacon of three faiths. By bus, enjoy stunning views of the Old City walls, Temple Mount and Mount Zion. On foot, walk through Jaffa gate to the Old City (UNESCO), which combines ancient beauty with timeless allure, and visit the Citadel (also known as the Tower of David). The walls of the Citadel serve as a stage for a “Night Spectacular” show which is a celebration of sight and sound. Amidst the archaeological remains in the Citadel’s courtyard and set to the sound of original music, the story of Jerusalem unfolds through giant breathtaking, virtual reality images celebrating Jerusalem's spiritual and historical role across the centuries. Duration approximately 3 hour(s). Transportation is included. A minimum of 25 passenger(s) is required to operate this option.

    The Sound & Light show is an outdoor event. This option will operate weather permitting. Due to strict reservation requirements, this option is non-refundable unless cancelled due to weather conditions.
    Departure time is subject to change, according to seasonality. At times, the "Night Spectacular" show may be replaced by a similar show focused on King David. At times, the evening Sound & Light show may take place in the archeological site of the City of David.

Tel Aviv: Exploring the Judean Desert: Qumran, Mas

  • Enjoy a private full day excursion to some of the most historic regions in Israel. Depart Jerusalem and travel to Qumran for a view of the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Next, take a cable car ride to the top of Masada (UNESCO), where a small group of Jewish zealots stood up to the attack of the Roman legion and emerged victorious even in defeat. Tour the remnants of the palace fortress, complete with Roman-style bathhouses built by King Herod, as well as storehouses, ritual baths and synagogues built by the Jews. Stand on the summit plateau for stunning views of the Dead Sea and the surrounding Judean Desert. Pause for a buffet lunch at a restaurant. Enjoy an opportunity to experience the Dead Sea’s natural buoyancy (due to its high salt concentration) and indulge in its beauty and health benefits. On your return to Jerusalem, stop at the oldest city on earth, Jericho, for a distant view of the Mount of Temptations. Duration approximately 9 hour(s). Transportation is included. A minimum of 15 passenger(s) is required to operate this option.

    Passports are required to enter Jericho and should be brought with you.
    The option includes time to float on the Dead Sea and access to shower facilities.

Tel Aviv: Garden Tomb Communion

  • “He is not here; he has risen!” (Luke 24:6). Set within a peaceful and contemplative garden, find an ancient Jewish tomb that many believe is the site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. During your visit to the Garden Tomb, you have the special opportunity to share Holy Communion, blessed by your Spiritual Leader. Duration approximately 1 hour(s). Transportation is included.

    Option must be booked minimum 45 days prior to departure. If travelling in a group without a Pastor/Spiritual Leader, we cannot guarantee the Holy Communion, in which case you will be refunded for this option.

Offre de voyage


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Tel Aviv

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Tour de groupeIl s'agit d'un Tour de Groupe Organisé : l'itinéraire a été prédéfini par le voyagiste. Les destinations du circuit, la durée, l'hébergement, les dates de départ et le prix sont fixes. Vous pouvez rejoindre, profiter et rencontrer d'autres personnes.

ChristianismeIl s'agit d'une visite chrétienne qui visitera des lieux importants pour la religion chrétienne. La plupart des participants seront chrétiens et croiront en Dieu et en Jésus-Christ. Vous devez également être chrétien pour participer à cette tournée.

Adhésions et protection financière

USTOA Abta Tour Care


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  • Comparez les opérateurs, les itinéraires, les dates et les prix pour trouver le meilleur tours pour vous, qu'il soit économique, confortable ou de luxe pur.
  • Cliquez sur un simple bouton pour afficher la visite sur le site Web de l'opérateur pour plus d'informations ou une réservation en ligne.
  • Réservez directement auprès du voyagiste, sans intermédiaires, sans conditions générales supplémentaires.