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Essential Patagonia: Chilean Fjords and Torres del Paine


Retrace Charles Darwin's epic voyage to the ‘edge of the world' on our Essential Patagonia: Chilean Fjords and Torres del Paine expedition, a comprehensive journey into Chile's spectacular network of fjords and channels. Helicopter flightseeing and Zodiac...

15 Jours
Prochain départ
à partir de
USD 14 895,00
USD 10 426,00
Prix par jour
USD 695,00

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  • Itinéraire du navire
  • Carte, destinations
  • Quark
Quark Expeditions
Essential Patagonia: Chilean Fjords and Torres del Paine
Qualité de voyage
Extraordinary Travel


Retrace Charles Darwin's epic voyage to the ‘edge of the world' on our Essential Patagonia: Chilean Fjords and Torres del Paine expedition, a comprehensive journey into Chile's spectacular network of fjords and channels. Helicopter flightseeing and Zodiac cruises along this enchanting stretch of coastline provide awe-inspiring perspectives of some of the most remote and picturesque landscapes on Earth. From Magellanic penguin colonies and other seabirds to South American sea lions and southern elephant seals, the fascinating array of wildlife is as abundant as the majestic blue-toned tidewater glaciers. Join us in this enchanting wonderland and experience all the natural splendors of southern Patagonia. By coming aboard for this special journey, you will also be among the first guests to experience our pioneering new vessel, Ultramarine. This purpose-built vessel is designed to extend the boundaries of exploration and offer an unmatched experience, including a flightseeing tour you'll never forget and a range of adventure options more extensive than any other ship in its class. We're excited to host you on your unforgettable adventure! Please feel free to reach out to our team of Polar Travel Advisers, who are happy to answer your questions and provide assistance at any time.

Map: Essential Patagonia: Chilean Fjords and Torres del Paine (Quark)

Itinéraire court

Jour 1.
Arrive In Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jour 2.
Fly To Ushuaia And Embark
Jour 3.
Cape Horn
Jour 4-5.
Pia And Garibaldi Glaciers, Glacier Alley
Jour 6.
Dainelli (Aguila) Glacier
Jour 7.
Cruising The Chilean Fjords
Jour 8-9.
Puerto Natales And Torres Del Paine National Park
Jour 10.
Canal De Las Montañas
Jour 11.
Tuckers Islets
Jour 12.
Ainsworth Bay And Islote Albatros
Jour 13.
Bahia Brookes
Jour 14.
Marta Island
Jour 15.
Disembark In Punta Arenas And Fly To Santiago, Chi...

Pays de voyage (3): Antarctique, Argentine, Chili

Ports d'escale (8): Antarctic Peninsula, Buenos Aires, Cape Horn, Drake Passage, Puerto Natales, Punta Arenas, Torres del Paine N.P., Ushuaia

Points forts

  • Encounter iconic wildlife, such as Magellanic penguins, sea lions and seabirdsExperience some of the world's most remote glacial and fjord systems, including Glacier AlleyRetrace Darwin's route through the Beagle Channel and learn about the storied history of southern ChileCruise in a Zodiac for a unique perspective of glaciers, fjords and channelsEnjoy helicopter flightseeing from Ultramarine for a unique perspective of the landscape
  • Ship Information

    Ship Name
    Ship Type
    Navire de expédition
    Max. Passengers

    Offre de voyage


    Provenir de


    Votre destination de voyage


    Buenos Aires

    Arrow Going To

    Punta Arenas

    Croisières en merIl s'agit d'une Croisière en Mer Organisée, d'une Croisière de Luxe ou d'une Expédition : vous mangerez et dormirez à bord du navire. Ce sont des navires plus petits qui peuvent transporter quelques centaines de passagers, mais pas des milliers. Le croisiériste fixe l'itinéraire, les destinations, la durée et les dates de départ ainsi que le prix par type de cabine/pont. Les excursions et activités peuvent être incluses ou facultatives. Vous pouvez rejoindre, profiter et rencontrer d'autres personnes.

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